N.B. Our supporters do not necessarily endorse each other but are kindly providing assistance and advice for ‘Last Chance to Paint’

Born Free Foundation
We are delighted to be working with the Born Free Foundation and receiving their guidance and support with ‘Last Chance to Paint’. The education team at Born Free are working on curriculum resources for schools. We will be developing a series of new chapters of the ‘Last Chance to Paint’ project with Born Free and their expertise in the field will be hugely beneficial.
"Born Free is committed to protecting threatened species in their natural habitats and preventing animal suffering. Its purpose is to conserve and protect wild animals, natural habitats and functioning ecosystems in perpetuity, and to end any activities that exploit and negatively impact wild animals whether living in captivity or in the wild."

The Eden Project
John Dyer is the artist in residence for the Eden Project and his ongoing relationship with the Eden team helps enormously in planning and realising projects such as ‘Last Chance to Paint’. In 2015/16 the Eden Project and John Dyer ran the hugely successful ‘Spirit of the Rainforest’ project at the Eden Project with Nixiwaka Yawanawá from the Amazon rainforest.
"The Eden Project, an educational charity, connects us with each other and the living world exploring how we can work towards a better future. Eden was built as a symbol of optimism showing what can be done when people work together and with nature and shares stories of hope to inspire people to get involved in tackling some of today’s environmental challenges."

Savage Interactive, the makers of the Procreate App, have kindly sponsored our ‘Spirit of the Rainforest’ chapter of ‘Last Chance to Paint’ and we are thrilled to be working with them. Procreate is the leading and best-selling art App for iPad. The iPhone version of the App, Procreate Pocket, was named by Apple as the iPhone App of the year 2018. John Dyer will be using Procreate whilst in the Amazon rainforest.
"Procreate was proud to sponsor Last Chance to Paint for Spirit of the Rainforest. Working with John was a delight and seeing the work created out of the amazon on Procreate and hearing the stories to go along with each piece was really special for us and compelling for our online community. We believe the work John is doing to raise awareness about our environment and the climate with the next generation through art is an engaging and thought-provoking way to learn about the issues we face. His passion for the project is clear and we’re excited to see where it leads in future iterations of Last Chance to Paint."

Innova Art
Innova Art has kindly agreed to sponsor our ‘Person of the Rainforest, Borneo’ chapter of ‘Last Chance to Paint’. We are thrilled to have their support and enthusiasm. The John Dyer Gallery and artists John Dyer and Joanne Short use Innova Art paper for their acclaimed range of art posters and prints.
"nnova Art is wholly committed to preserving the environment for future generations. As such we ensure that all of the materials for the base of our papers are ethically sourced, maintaining the future of the world’s natural resources.."

Steppes Travel
Steppes Travel have very kindly supported the Last Chance to Paint team with their expert knowledge, advice and generous sponsorship. Steppes Travel have many working partners around the world that are involved in protecting the environment, including the Orangutan Foundation, and we are thrilled to be working with them.
"Conservation, sustainability and giving back is at the core of everything we do."

Neville Shulman, CBE & The Royal Geographic Society
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, explorer, mountaineer, journalist, author, and art collector. He has travelled extensively throughout the world and every year undertakes expeditions and exploration to promote a number of charities. Neville Shulman is a novelist and writer on travel, exploration and Zen philosophy and is a Fellow of the Royal Society For The Encouragement Of The Arts, a Director of Shepperton Film Studios, and has many involvements in the theatre, film and entertainment industries.
"Neville Shulman supported artist and RGS-IBG Fellow John Dyer and the Amazonian Yawanawá tribe of Acre state in northwestern Brazil with a Challenge Award and continues to support Last Chance to Paint."

Earth Day Network
Last Chance to Paint’ has been invited to be part of the Artists for the Earth Partnership. We are currently exploring ways to work with the Earth Day Network to inspire young people to add their art about what we all stand to lose to the WorldGallery.online
"John Dyer recently became an Artist for Earth for Earth Day Network. Artists for Earth is a global campaign that seizes the power of art to educate and inspire action to protect the Earth. Through this campaign, Dyer will have an additional platform to showcase his art to larger audiences.."

Orangutan Foundation
The Orangutan Foundation is kindly helping with our ‘Innova Art – Person of the Rainforest, Borneo’ chapter of ‘Last Chance to Paint’. Ashley Leiman, OBE, the director of the foundation is helping us to plan and be able to see orangutans at the Lamandau wildlife reserve.
"Orangutan Foundation is saving the critically endangered orangutan by protecting their tropical forest habitat, working with local communities and promoting research and education. Its approach goes beyond that of purely protecting orangutans. It recognizes that orangutans are essential to their habitat, which is unique in its rich biodiversity and is crucial for local communities, who are as dependent on the forest as the orangutans."

Rohan has very generously supported ‘Last Chance to Paint’ by equipping our team with a full set of their Anti-insect sun protective tropical clothing. The clothing incorporates a treatment which impairs the ability of insects including mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, fleas, chiggers and midges to land, and so reduces bites and will help to protect the health of the team.
"Rohan supported John on his original Amazon expedition in 1989 and he has been wearing our clothing ever since. In fact, Rohan has been with John all around the world including; Costa Rice, Peru, Australia, France, Philippines and of course, here at home in the UK.
So, it was a natural decision met with much enthusiasm and delight to support him once again on his upcoming Amazon expedition."

Samson Technologies
Samson has very generously supported ‘Last Chance to Paint’ by providing us with a complete set of their new Samson Go Mic Mobile units to assist with our live streaming, recording and interviews we will be doing on location. The Lavalier and handheld wireless mics work with iPhone and Android to capture incredible audio anywhere.
"Samson‘s Go Mic Mobile® is the world’s first professional wireless microphone system for smartphones, allowing mobile filmmakers/journalists to capture incredible audio anywhere."

SPONSOR - Amazon and Borneo Expeditions in 2019
Iridium has very generously supported ‘Last Chance to Paint’ with their global satellite network and innovative Iridium GO! The Iridium GO! will allow us to make voice calls, upload photos, update Facebook, send twitter posts, check our local weather and get emergency help if needed from anywhere on the planet and all via our iPhones!
"Utilizing the latest satellite technology from Iridium, Last Chance to Paint allows schools around the world to virtually experience endangered people, plants, animals and environments, creating deep personal and meaningful bonds. The interactive adventures are made possible through the Iridium® network. Last Chance to Paint features an interactive blog that allows schools to type in questions for us to answer while we are travelling."

SPONSOR - Kenya Expedition 2023 and future expeditions
Inmarsat has partnered with Last Chance To Paint in 2023 to provide the project with a high-speed satellite terminal and data link so we can inspire children to connect to the natural world and tribal culture with videos, blogs, updates and even live webinars from remote locations all over the world.
"As Last Chance To Paint grows its global audience we identified a need for fast satellite communications to deliver longer daily videos and media-rich blogs to the schools engaged with the project around the world live from the location. In 2023 John Dyer was appointed as the latest Inmarsat Ambassador and Last Chance To Paint is excited to now be able to explore fully the true power of global connectivity for delivering our world-class educational projects with the Inmarsat team."

SPONSOR - 2019 WorldGallery.online Awards
Zazzle are an on-demand publisher of art posters and art gifts. Artist John Dyer has had a working relationship with Zazzle from 2008 publishing artist designed homeware and posters and we are delighted to have Zazzle’s support for ‘Last Chance to Paint’. Zazzle are the current sponsor of our Art Awards.
"Making is for everyone. With Zazzle, your imagination is at your fingertips. At Zazzle, The Make Engine™, we believe that dreams should be indulged, ideas explored and creativity set free. Our mission is to give anyone, anywhere the power to make anything imaginable."